
Thursday, 26 September 2013



  1. The hypothesis proposed by Kant and LaPlace on the origin of solar system
A) Tidal hypothesis                 B) Nebular hypothesis
C) Planetesimal hypothesis      D) Cloud hypothesis

2. Karst topography is characteristic of ----------- terrain
A) Granitic                               B) Basaltic
C) Limestone                           D) Granulitic

3. The topographic feature typical of formerly glaciated regions
A) Hanging valley                    B) V-shaped valley
C) Yaardang                            D) Cuesta

4. A river shows meandering course in its ---------- stage
A) Youthful                             B) Old
C) Mountainous                       D) Mature

5. The range of wave length of the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A) 0.7 – 3.0μm                                    B) 0.7 – 1.0μm
C) 0.4 – 0.7μm                        D) 3 - 5μm

6. The basic spatial entities in GIS are
A) Scale, Projection and Generalization
B) Points, Lines and Areas
C) Projections, Legends and Georeference
D) Latitude, Longitude and Coordinates

7. “Rubber sheeting” in GIS is related to
A) Data editing                        B) Data transfer
C) Data input                           D) Map projection

8. Which is not true of GPS?
A) Useful in photogrammetry
B) Developed by United States
C) The orbital height of satellites is > 20000 Kms
D) It has 42 satellites

9. Which is not true of lineation?
A) It is a directional property
B) When lineation is present foliation is also always present
C) It may be primary or secondary
D) Is useful in understanding the structural history of the rocks
10. An unconformity in which younger sedimentary rocks overlie igneous rocks
A) Angular unconformity        B) Disconformity
C) Non-sequence                     D) Non-conformity

11. A chevron fold is one in which
A) The axis and crest do not coincide
B) The crest is rounded
C) The crest is pointed
D) The hinge line is always plunging

12. Sedimentary structures are not useful in
A) Interpreting palaeocurrent directions
B) Establishing stratigraphic sequence
C) Understanding the environment of deposition of rocks
D) Determining the age of formation

13. The outcrop of a bed will be a straight line on a map, irrespective of the topography, if the bed is
A) Vertical                               B) Dipping
C) Horizontal                           D) Affected by folding

14. The angle which a fault plane makes with the vertical plane
A) Dip B) Rake          C) Hade           D) Pitch

15. There is a 4cm long line in a map of 1: 100000 scale. What will be the length of that line in a map of the same area of 1: 25000 scale?
A) 16 cm         B) 12 cm          C) 8cm             D) 2cm

16. Which is true of a craton?
A) Mainly covered by sedimentary rocks
B) Is a very small structural unit of the earth’s crust
C) Largely unaffected by later orogenies
D) Consists mainly of Cambrian rocks
17. Which one of the following was not suggested by Alfred Wegener as evidence of Continental Drift Hypothesis?
A) Fit of continents
B) Distribution of glacial sediments in different continents
C) Similarity in geological structures
D) Sea-floor spreading
18. The period in which the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny took place
A) Tertiary                   B) Cambrian
C) Ordovician              D) Cretaceous 
19. Which one of the following is true?
A) The Indian plate has both continental and oceanic components
B) The Antarctic plate has oceanic component only
C) The Arabian plate is a major plate
D) The Eurasian plate has continental component only

20. Mid-ocean ridges are associated with
A) Convergent boundary B) Divergent boundary
C) Subduction zone D) Conservative boundary

21. Among the following, which period has the shortest duration?
A) Tertiary       B) Quaternary
C) Cambrian D) Triassic

22. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Unit Part of classification/Scale
1. System a. Lithostratigraphic
2. Zone b. Chronostratigraphic
3. Formation c. Geologic Time Scale
4. Era d. Biostratigraphic
A) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a     B) 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a,
C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c     D) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

23. The duration of time represented by an unconformity
A) Hiatus         B) Diastem       C) Nonsequence          D) Series

24. Which is true of an index fossil?
A) Limited geographical distribution
B) Narrow stratigraphic range
C) Large in size
D) Small in numbers

25. Which is the largest unit in the Geological Time Scale?
A) Eon B) Epoch
C) Period D) Era

26. Manganese deposits in Central India are associated with
A) Khondalite              B) Charnockite
C) Greywacke              D) Gondite

27. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Formation Age
1. Cuddalore sandstone a. Devonian
2. Muth quartzite b. Tertiary
3. Chari formation c. Cretaceous
4. Uttatur formation d. Jurassic
A) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c                    B) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b
C) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b                    D) 1-a,2-c,3-b,4-d

28. A prominent anorthosite body in Kerala is located at
A) Perinthatta               B) Ambalavayal
C) Chengannur                        D) Angadimogar

29. The rock in which graphite is mainly found in Kerala
A) Charnockite                        B) Granite
C) Khondalite                          D) Limestone

30. The rocks in which Glossopteris is found
A) Upper Gondwana B) Lower Gondwana
C) Upper Siwalik D) Karewas

31. The stratigraphic equivalent of Cuddapah Supergroup in North India
A) Rajmahal Traps B) Vindhyan Supergroup
C) Delhi Supergroup D) Aravalli Supergroup

32. The very old algal structure-bearing rocks of Rajasthan are called
A) Stromatolites                       B) Stalactites
C) Steatite                                D) Stalagmite

33. The diamond-bearing rocks of central India belongs to
A) Aravalli Supergroup            B) Bhima Supergroup
C) Vindhyan Supergroup         D) Sargur Supergroup
34. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Formation Environment of deposition
1. Talchir tillite a. Marine
2. Barakar formation b. Glacial
3. Trichnopoly formation c. Fluviatile
4. Karewa formation d. Arid
e. Lacustrine
A) 1-a,2-b,3-e,4-c                    B) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-e
C) 1-d,2-b,3-e,4-c                    D) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-e

35. Identify the gastropod
A) Paradoxide              B) Ostraea
C) Productus                D) Physa

36. Pygidium and glabella form part of
A) Cephalapod                        B) Trilobite
C) Graptolite                D) Pelecypod

37. Star fishes, Sea urchins and blastoids belong to the phylum
A) Brachiopoda           B) Coelenterata
C) Echinodermata        D) Arthropoda

38. Foraminifers are found in
A) Marine water only               B) Brackish water only
C) Fresh water only                 D) All the three waters

39. The stratigraphic range of Brachiopods
A) Upper Devonian to Recent
B) Upper Cambrian to Permian
C) Lower Cambrian to Recent
D) Middle Ordovician to Triassic

40. The half-life of Carbon-14 is
A) 5570 years              B) 55000years
C) 550000 years          D) 550 years

41. When the strike of a bed is N-S, the true dip will be towards
A) North East               B) East or West
C) North West              D) None of the three

42. Agnatha was the earliest
A) Trilobite                  B) Reptile
C) Brachiopod             D) Fish
43. Among the following which is the most primitive horse?
A) Eohippus                B) Hipparion
C) Merychippus           D) Equus
44. Which of the following did not happen in the evolution of man?
A) Assumption of erect posture
B) Lengthening of arms
C) Reduction in the number and size of teeth
D) Increase in cranial capacity
45. The crystal form with least number of faces
A) Pinacoid B) Dome C) Pedion D) Pyramid

46. Which one is the type mineral of a hemimorphic class?
A) Barite B) Tourmaline C) Beryl D) Gypsum

47. The crystal system characterized by three mutually perpendicular crystallographic axes of unequal length
A) Tetragonal               B) Triclinic
C) Hexagonal               D) Orthorhombic

48. Contact goniometer is used for measuring
A) The number of crystal faces
B) The interfacial angles of crystals
C) The absolute hardness of crystals
D) Refractive Index of crystals

49. A mineral commonly exhibiting penetration twin
A) Fluorite                   B) Spinel          C) Cassiterite               D) Zircon

50. The crystal class exhibiting maximum number of elements of symmetry
A) Hexoctahedral                    B) Ditetragonal dipyramidal
C) Orthorhombic normal         D) Dihexagonal dipyramidal

51. Which is an open crystal form?
A) Scalenohedron                                B) Trapezohedron
C) Dihexagonal dipyramid                   D) Brachydome

52. Mineral which generally shows zero birefringence?
A) Hypersthene                       B) Beryl          C) Garnet                     D) Staurolite

53. The minerals crystallizing under which system may exhibit dichroism?
A) Isometric                 B) Tetragonal   C) Monoclinic              D) Orthorhombic

54. When the refractive index of the mineral is much higher than the mounting medium, the relief is
A) High negative                      B) High positive C) Low negative                    D) Low positive

55. Identify the mineral which commonly causes pleochroic haloes in biotite
A) Quartz                     B) Apatite
C) Zircon                     D) Magnetite
56. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Mineral Main cation
1. Almandine a. Fe-Al
2. Spessartite b. Mg-Al
3. Grossularite c. Ca-Fe
4. Pyrope d. Mn-Al
e. Ca-Al
A) 1-b,2-a,3-c,4-e B) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-e
C) 1-a,2-d,3-e,4-b D) 1-e,2-c,3-a,4-d

57. Which is an orthorhombic carbonate mineral?
A) Dolomite                B) Siderite
C) Rhodocrocite          D) Aragonite

58. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A) Gypsum is softer than calcite but harder than apatite
B) Quartz is harder than apatite but softer than topaz
C) Corundum is softer than topaz but harder than orthoclase
D) Fluorite is softer than calcite but harder than Talc

59. Under which silicate family comes zoisite?
A) Pyroxene                B) Epidote       C) Feldspathoid           D) Olivine

60. Which one of the following has the highest specific gravity?
A) Cinnabar                 B) Orthoclase C) Haematite                 D) Chalcopyrite

61. Which one is a phosphate mineral?
A) Ilmenite                  B) Rutile         C) Monazite                 D) None of the three

62. Which one is not a polymorph of SiO2?
A) Quartz                     B) Opal            C) Tridymite                D) Stishovite

63. Among the following which is the hardest sulphide mineral?
A) Chalcopyrite           B) Molybdenite            C) Pyrite                      D) Stibnite

64. Identify the halide mineral
A) Sphene                    B) Celestite
C) Selenite                   D) Sylvite
65. The most abundant element in the crust of the earth
A) Nitrogen B) Aluminium
C) Oxygen D) Silicon

66. Which one shows the highest pH in nature?
A) CO2 – free water in contact with ultramafic rocks
B) Weatherd ore solution containing pyrite
C) Rain water
D) Soil containing decayed organic matter

67. Na, K, Rb and Cs are principally ---------- elements
A) Siderophile B) Chalcophile
C) Atmophile D) Lithophile

68. Barium is a common trace element in
A) Hypersthene and olivine B) Potash feldspar and biotite
C) Hornblende and olivine D) Garnet and epidote

69. Siderolites are mainly made up of
A) Siderite and calcite B) Nickel iron and silicates
C) Silica-rich glass D) Olivine and pyroxene

70. For all exothermic reactions change in enthalpy is
A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero D) Very high

71. The most widespread igneous rock in the crust of the earth
A) Granite B) Rhyolite C) Basalt D) Andesite
72. Which is an undersaturated rock?
A) Diorite B) Gabbro C) Rhyolite D) Dunite

73. In Poikilitic texture
A) Smaller crystals are enclosed in larger crystals
B) Larger crystals are enveloped in a groundmass of smaller crystals
C) All crystals are of the same size
D) Glass exceeds crystals
74. Aplites are commonly found as
A) Laccoliths               B) Batholiths    C) Dykes                     D) Lopoliths

75. Minette is a variety of
A) Amphibole B) Carbonatite
C) Lamprophyre D) Basalt
76. Which amphibole is common in igneous rocks?
A) Hornblende B) Actinolite
C) Anthophyllite D) Tremolite

77. S .Volcanic glasses older than carboniferous age are not known
R. Glasses were not formed during pre-Carboniferous times
A) Both S and R are true          B) S is true and R is false
C) Both S and R are false        D) R is true and S is false

78. The general sequence in the crystallization of minerals in igneous rocks is
A) Ferromagnesian minerals, Quartz, Feldspar, Accessories
B) Feldspar, Accessories, Ferromagnesian minerals, Quartz
C) Accessories, Ferromagnesian minerals, Feldspar, Quartz,
D) Ferromagnesian minerals, Accessories, Feldspar, Quartz

79. Fine grain size of igneous rocks indicate
A) Slow cooling                                   B) High mobility of ions
C) Larger concentration of ions           D) None of these

80. The term conglomerate indicates
A) Grain size only                   B) Mineral composition only
C) Mode of occurrence only    D) Both grain size and composition

81. In Wentworth Udden Scale particles ranging in size between 1/16mm and 1/256mm are named
A) Pebble B) Clay C) Sand D) Silt
82. In sandy shale
A) Sand content is more than clay
B) Sand and clay content are equal
C) Clay content is more than sand
D) Quartz pebbles are found with clay

83. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Rock Class
1. Sandstone a. Rudaceous
2. Conglomerate b. Argillaceous
3. Shale c. Calcareous
4. Limestone d. Arenaceous
A) 1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a        B) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b
C) 1-d,2-a,3-b,4-c        D) 1-a,2-c,3-d,4-b
84. Which one is a typical evaporite?
A) Clay B) Gypsum C) Bauxite D) Sulphur

85. The most conspicuous mineral in greensand is
A) Apatite B) Microcline C) Glaucophane D) Glauconite

86. Laumontite, Lawsonite and glaucophane are typically found in
A) Sedimentary rocks B) Metamorphic rocks
C) Volcanic rocks        D) Intrusive rocks

87. Serpentinites are formed by the metamorphism of
A) Pelitic rocks B) Marls C) Ultramafic rocks D) Greywackes

88. The grass green clinopyroxene found in eclogite
A) Augite B) Aegerine C) Diopside D) Omphacite

89. Which one is not true of contact metamorphism?
A) Have regional extent
B) Borders large igneous intrusions
C) Effect of heat is predominant
D) Contact aureoles are common

90. Which one has the maximum number of sets of cleavages?
A) Sphalerite B) Halite C) Cummingtonite D) Diamond

91. Find the correct pair
A) Stibnite – Antimony B) Magnesite – Manganese
C) Galena – Zinc D) Cassiterite – Cobalt

92. Native sulphur is formed by
A) Hydrothermal process
B) Evaporation
C) Supergene sulphide enrichment
D) Sublimation

93. Find the correct pair
A) Granite – Gypsum B) Anorthosite – Chromite
C) Kimberlite – Chrysoberyl D) Gabbro - Cassiterite

94. The Si:O ratio in tectosilicates is
A) 1:4 B) 1:3 C) 2:7 D) 1:2

95. Match the following and choose the correct answer
Deposit Locality
1. Galena a. Panna
2. Chalcopyrite b. Sukinda
3. Chromite c. Khetri
4. Diamond d. Zawar
e. Kodarma
A) 1-b,2-d,3-a,4-e        B) 1-d,2-c,3-b,4-a
C) 1-c,2-e,3-a,4-b        D) 1-e,2-a,3-d,4-c

96. Fissure veins, Saddle reefs and Stockworks are
A) Contact metasomatic deposits
B) Magmatic deposits
C) Hydrothermal cavity filling deposits
D) Hydrothermal replacement deposits

97. Which one of the following is not a product of residual process?
A) Bauxite B) Clay C) Iron D) Gold

98. Emerald is a bright green gem variety of
A) Chrysoberyl ` B) Beryl       C) Chrysocolla             D) Microcline

99. The common supergene sulphide of copper
A) Bornite B) Chalcopyrite C) Bornonite D) Chalcocite

100. In Kerala glass sand deposits are located in
A) Cherthala B) Chavara C) Payyangadi D) Neendakara

101. Which is a stratigraphic trap for petroleum?
A) Monocline B) Unconformity C) Terrace D) Fissure

102. Which one of the following is true?
A) Bituminous coal has high heating value
B) Lignite is also called cambrian coal
C) Peat is a variety of coal
D) Anthracite has low heating value

103. Oxidation of sulphide minerals on the surface gives rise to
A) Comb structure B) Gossan C) Pay streak D) Bonanza

104. Which is the most suitable method for the exploration of sulphide ore bodies?
A) Self-potential          B) Resistivity   C) Seismic                   D) Magnetic

105. In which type of geophysical survey Geophones are used?
A) Resistivity B) Magnetic       C) Seismic D) Gravity

106. The East Coast Bauxite deposits of India had formed from
A) Khondalite B) Kodurite C) Charnockite D) Basalt

107. Temporary or very short-lived streams are called
A) Effluent B) Ephemeral C) Influent D) Obsequent

108. The mineral which gives the binding property for cement
A) Calcite B) Bauxite C) Clay D) Gypsum

109. In selecting a building stone which one of the following is not considered?
A) Availability B) Age C) Durability D) Strength

110. Vertical or inclined openings in underground mines which serve as a means of entry
A) Shaft B) Cross-cut C) Stope D) Drift

111. The deepest underground mine in India is located at
A) Kolar B) Zawar C) Malanjkhand D) Agnigundala

112. Bouguer anomaly is associated with ----------- survey
A) Geological B) Magnetic C) Gravity D) Seismic

113. The main heavy metal pollutant which caused the Itaiitai disease in Japan
A) Zinc B) Lead C) Mercury D) Cadmium

114. Natural levees are formed by --------------- processes
A) Glacial B) Volcanic C) Aeolian D) Fluvial

115. Richter Scale measures -------------------- of earthquakes
A) Intensity B) Depth to focus C) Magnitude D) Intensity and Magnitude

116. For almost all groundwater motion, the Reynold’s Number is
A) Between 1 and 5 B) >10 C) Between 5 and 10 D) <1

117. Which of these is a major cation in ground water?
A) Silicon B) Potassium C) Aluminium D) Iron

118. The Ghyben – Herzberg equation is related to
A) Safe yield B) Quality of ground water
C) Recharge of wells D) Fresh and saline water interface

119. Among the following which is not considered as an atmospheric pollutant?
A) SO2 B) NO2 C) Dust D) O3

120. Which one is correct with regard to confined aquifers?
A) Permeable layer is sandwiched between impermeable layers
B) Impermeable layer is found between permeable layers
C) Porous layer overlies impermeable layer only

D) Porous layer underlies impermeable layer only